Tietz Camera with FEI Spirit

1/26/2009 9:21 AM You can subscribe to this wiki article using an RSS feed reader.

Install a Tietz 4k x 4k fiber coupled camera without installing EMMENU or reinstalling the FEI software with the Tietz Camera Option.

Note:  This procedure was devised in order to avoid using EMMENU and be able to integrate it with SerialEM.  As noted by the FEI engineers, EMMENU and FEI software tend to have severe conflicts and tend not to work well together.  It was thought of using SerialEM because it is open source and allows developers to manipulate the code.

To get the latest version of this software it is best to contact support@tvips.com

  • Installed PVCAM 2.6.9
    • Start the registry editor (regedit.exe or regedt32.exe) and search for the key
      F224HD: Change the value for npages to (at least) 7000 (=0x1b58 )
      F415: Change the value for npages to 27000 (=0x6978 )
      Re-boot the PC
    • Do not add a greater value than 27000, it will cause the PC to crash.
  • Installed CAMC4
    • 1) Install all the supported and required frame grabber drivers
    • Note:  You are not installing EMMENU4, the dir is just arbitrary and a way to remind developers that we are using the CAMC4 libraries provided by EMMENU 4.
      2) Create directory C:\TVIPS\Emmenu 4.0\bin
      3) Extract CAMC4.zip to C:\TVIPS\Emmenu 4.0\bin
      4) Check if CAMC_*.dll is present for your camera in C:\TVIPS\Emmenu 4.0\bin
      5) Check if CAMC_*.dll is present for your camera in
      C:\TVIPS\Emmenu 4.0\bin\register_Cam.bat
      (right click on register_Cam.bat, EDIT)
      Note that some of the dll files might require a proper driver installation before
      they can be registered.
      6) Run register_Cam.bat
      7) Edit C:\TVIPS\Emmenu 4.0\bin\Camc.ini, especially section [CAMC] – see
      also below; set your camera AVL_***=1, all other cameras to 0
      8) Start CAMC4.exe and a camera icon appears in the system tray
      9) Each time a software (like SerialEM, ...) tries to initialize a camera, CAMC4
      process must be active
  • Run SerialEM and follow its instructions for integrating with a Tietz Camera.
    • [CAMC]
      AVL_SIM (simulated camera)
      AVL_PXL (old F214 [2k,14μm], F224 [2k,24μm])
      AVL_PVCAM (previous F214 [2k,14μm])
      AVL_FASTSCAN (F114 [1k,14μm] - PCI)
      AVL_SCX (F224HD [2k,24μm], F415 [4k,15μm])
      AVL_FSFW (F114 [1k,14μm] - IEEE)
      AVL_P4 (F816 [8k,15.6μm])
      AVL_FC415 (F415MP [4k,15μm])
      AVL_F214_FW (F214 [2k,14μm] - IEEE)
      In SerialEM:
      Set TietzCameraType to 2 for PXL camera, 3 for PVCam camera (PVCAM driver
      using ICL), 4 for FastScan camera using MVTitan frame grabber, 5 for SCX
      camera (PVCAM without ICL), and 6 for FastScan camera using FireWire 1394