METiled Display Plugin

10/1/2009 3:35 PM You can subscribe to this wiki article using an RSS feed reader.


  Provides the user with a quick and efficient way of viewing mosaics even on memory limited machines. Currently allows the functionalities of zooming, panning, channel manipulation, and saving. More features and a spiffier interface will be provided in the near future.


 Upon choosing METiled Display from the ImageJ plugins menu, you will be promptedto open an image for viewing. While METiled Display can display regular TIFF files, it's true purpose is to open up tiled tiffs. Tiled tiffs provide the benefits of memory efficiency by separating a TIFF into spatial tiles so that the tiles can be loaded on demand. Therefore, unlike regular tiffs, tiled tiffs do not need to be completely loaded into memory for manipulation, and this allows even memory limited machines to manipulate these files.
 Unfortunately not many image processing software support this format including ImageJ and Photoshop. To work-around this problem, METiled Display now allows the ability to save images in a normal tiff format.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • 1 Toggles the first channel of the image. (if image is RGB)
  • 2 Toggles the second channel of the image. (if image is RGB)
  • 3 Toggles the third channel of the image. (if image is RGB)
  • 0 Allows the viewing of all channels
  • - Zooms out by a factor of 2
  • + or = Zooms in by a factor of 2
  • s Saves the current state of the image with its current scaling factor andn the channels that are currently enabled
  • h Displays the help screen.

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